MMA Road Paint


MMA Road Paint

MMA Road Paint


Introducing our cutting-edge cold plastic paint, meticulously formulated with the advanced Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) resin for road marking and painting. This innovative solution not only delivers unparalleled durability but also boasts exceptional skid resistance, ensuring optimal safety in high-stress traffic zones. It also offers remarkable fast-curing speed (< 20 minutes). 

This paint is tailor-made for pavement painting and line marking at high-traffic locations with superior adhesion to both concrete and asphalt pavement surfaces to ensure a lasting impact. Revolutionize your projects with a cold plastic paint that goes beyond expectations, providing a perfect blend of resilience, safety, and efficiency.

Product Variation

  • Screed Grade

  • Spray Grade

  • Rollable Grade

Product Features

  • Highly durable & high performance

  • Fast curing speed

  • High skid resistance

  • No heating is required

  • Superior Adhesion

  • Contains glass beads (Adjustable)


  • 4.5 L

  • 18 L

  • Other size available upon request. T&C apply.

Available Colours




Brilliant Yellow


Golden Yellow









(Note: The colour shades displayed are indicative and not precise representations of our actual paint colours.)

Contact us now for further information regrading our products. We'd glad to hear from you!